Gesiba Real Estate

The headquarters offices of the well-known Gesiba real estate company reside in a building dating back to 1870 in the city center. Following a total renovation of the premises, the 50 square meters of the lobby have been completely covered in mosaic.

The direct processing of Venetian enamels returns a vibrant surface that transports the visitor into the colorful and fantastic world of this capable artist; the processing of the tesserae chosen by the Petris workshop is intended to give the mosaic all the strength of painting and imprint itself in the eye of the observer.

Mosaici Petris Gesiba Uffici Vienna 1 e1711983589673

The Design

The design was entrusted to Austrian artist Christian Ludwig Attersee in which he wanted to symbolically represent the alternation of day and night.

Dettaglio Mosaico Petris
Dettaglio, luna in mosaico fatto a mano

Tile after Tile

The processing of the tiles takes on as much importance as that of the design,
in a perfect aesthetic combination.
